A credit card is a practical financial tool designed to cover immediate expenses when one experiences a shortfall in cash flow. It grants access to funds for purchases or other expenditures within a specified limit. Following the usage of the card, cardholders typically have up to a month to repay the amount spent.
Credit cards offer convenience for both online and offline transactions, eliminating the need to carry physical cash. Moreover, they come with several perks and benefits, rewarding users with every spend.
Fill in Personal Details: Enter your personal information in the provided form.
Submit the Form: Once the form is submitted, you will receive a list of available offers based on your eligibility.
Select and Apply: Choose the card that suits your requirements and proceed by clicking on ‘Apply’.
Online Application: Complete the online application form. A representative will contact you if you meet the eligibility criteria.
Alternatively, applicants can connect directly with the credit card provider’s customer care for further assistance.